
投稿者: | 2019年2月3日

Setsubun: Bean-throwing event in Japan

節分 日本の豆まき行事

February 3 is known as Setsubun in Japan. Setsubun was traditionally regarded as the day before a change in season, and thus there were four Setsubuns in a year; one for each day before the start of spring, summer, fall, and winter. 


However, Japanese people especially treasured the first day of spring as the beginning of a year, so the word Setsubun came to be regarded as the day before the first day of spring.


People throw roasted soybeans on the day of Setsubun in a custom which is reported to have come from China.


The ceremony is held to drive away the disasters and diseases that often occur at the time of seasonal change by using Onis (ogre) to resemble the disasters and the diseases.


The master of the house is supposed to throw beans but fathers usually play a role wearing an Oni mask and children throw beans at the Oni.


Children scatter beans and there are cheerful chants of “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi (In with good fortune, out with the ogres).” It is believed that if people then eat the number of beans that corresponds to their age, they will be healthy for the whole year.


The soybeans have to be roasted, and it is believed to be bad luck if unroasted beans are used and a sprout then appears from beans left on the ground.


The ritual also has the meaning of banishing the ogre by eating all of the beans. This bean-throwing event takes place at shrines and temples as well as at home.


一年の始まり:the beginning of a year
~の前日: the day before …
炒った大豆: roasted soybeans
~を追い払う:drive away …
季節の変わり目に: at the time of seasonal change
家長: the master of the house
~に~を投げる:throw … at …


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