
投稿者: | 2019年2月9日

Izakaya: Japanese pub restaurant

An izakaya is a drinking establishment that also serves a wide variety of food.


Japanese people enjoy eating and drinking at the same time. They visit an izakaya in small or large parties for different occasions, such as on a date or for a leaving party.


Izakaya offer a large selection of otsumami (snacks/nibbles) at a reasonable price, including yakitori (grilled chicken on a skewer), edamame (green soybeans in the pod), and oden (Japanese stew). The dishes are shared by the party, similar to the style of Spanish tapas.

(※Izakaya offer …のIzakayaは複数扱いです)

The unique izakaya system of Nomihoudai, or bottomless drink, can be applied when ordering a party set dinner. A typical set dinner with Nomihoudai starts from around ¥3,000 per person. With the fixed price, guests are able to order as many drinks as they like from a set drinks menu and within a limited time period, usually 90 mins.


飲み屋:a drinking establishment
少人数で:in a small party
大人数で:in a large party
おつまみ:snack または nibble(イギリス英語)
やきとり:grilled chicken on a skewer
枝豆:green soybeans in the pod
おでん:Japanese stew
飲み放題:bottomless drink
宴会のコース料理:a party set dinner


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